
Free Developer Stuff

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List of free service for developer to use. Some services are free forever or have a free tier at least for 1 year

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    Uploadcare free alternatives

    List of free alternatives to Uploadcare for developer. Find other service for file-uploader, storage, image-api, CDN other than Uploadcare. You can also find out what is Uploadcare rival or Uploadcare competitor in here.

    👉🏽 Uploadcare alternatives as a storage tool

    Are you looking for Uploadcare alternative as a storage tool? Here is the list of Uploadcare's competitor or rival as a storage service with their free offers.

    PocketBase VS Uploadcare

    Logo PocketBase


    Open Source backend in 1 file with realtime database, authentication, file storage and admin dashboard

    Tag: database, hosting, hosting-dynamic, hosting-static, storage, authentication, real-time

    Free Offer:

    Open Source, self hosted

    AWS Amplify VS Uploadcare

    Logo AWS Amplify

    AWS Amplify

    Accelerate your full-stack web and mobile app development with AWS Amplify. Easy to start, easy to scale. No cloud expertise needed. Powered by AWS.

    Tag: aws, baas, database, hosting, hosting-dynamic, hosting-static, storage, authentication

    Free Offer:

    1 Year free Tier

    Build & Deploy - 1000 build minutes per month

    HOSTING: 5 GB stored per month 15 GB served per month VS Uploadcare


    Fullstack Javascript Apps: Front-end, Backend, Database, Scheduled tasks. All running with zero-config.

    Tag: api, database, serverless, hosting, storage, aws, hosting-dynamic, paas

    Free Offer:

    3 apps 100,000 API reqs/month 1GB memory/req 1GB Object Storage (AWS S3) 1GB Database Storage (AWS DynamoDB) Unlimited blazing fast builds 3 Cron tasks/app Global deployment

    ImgBB VS Uploadcare

    Logo ImgBB


    Free image hosting and sharing service, upload pictures, photo host. Offers integration solutions for uploading images to forums.

    Tag: image, storage

    Free Offer:

    32 MB limit, no account required

    Information about Uploadcare

    Logo Uploadcare


    Uploadcare provides companies with simple, powerful, developer-friendly building blocks to handle file uploading, processing, and delivery. A complete out-of-the-box solution, built for engineers by engineers.

    Tag: file-uploader, storage, image-api, CDN

    Free Offer:

    3000 uploads 30 GB traffic 3 GB storage