
Free Developer Stuff

Free Stuff/Tool/Service for Developer

List of free service for developer to use. Some services are free forever or have a free tier at least for 1 year

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    Typesense free alternatives

    List of free alternatives to Typesense for developer. Find other service for search other than Typesense. You can also find out what is Typesense rival or Typesense competitor in here.

    👉🏽 Typesense alternatives as a search tool

    Are you looking for Typesense alternative as a search tool? Here is the list of Typesense's competitor or rival as a search service with their free offers.

    Meilisearch VS Typesense

    Logo Meilisearch


    An open source, blazingly fast and hyper relevant search-engine that will improve your search experience

    Tag: search

    Free Offer:

    Open Source

    Algolia VS Typesense

    Logo Algolia


    Algolia is a flexible Search & Discovery Hosted API for Developers

    Tag: search

    Free Offer:

    Free up to 10 units (1 Unit = 1,000 search requests and the capacitcy index up to 1,000 records)

    Information about Typesense

    Logo Typesense


    Typesense is a fast, typo-tolerant search engine optimized for instant search-as-you-type experiences and each of use.

    Tag: search

    Free Offer:

    Open source, free self hosted