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    Puppeteer free alternatives

    List of free alternatives to Puppeteer for developer. Find other service for screenshots, ui-testing, crawl other than Puppeteer. You can also find out what is Puppeteer rival or Puppeteer competitor in here.

    👉🏽 Puppeteer alternatives as a ui-testing tool

    Are you looking for Puppeteer alternative as a ui-testing tool? Here is the list of Puppeteer's competitor or rival as a ui-testing service with their free offers.

    Squeaky VS Puppeteer

    Logo Squeaky


    Understand exactly how customers are using your website or web app, without invading their privacy.

    Tag: ux, analytics, privacy, research, user-research, ux-testing, ui-testing

    Free Offer:

    1000 recordings per month Unlimited team members Unlimited page views Unlimited analytics history Unlimited heatmaps Unlimited customer feedback responses

    👉🏽 Puppeteer alternatives as a crawl tool

    Are you looking for Puppeteer alternative as a crawl tool? Here is the list of Puppeteer's competitor or rival as a crawl service with their free offers.

    Octoparse VS Puppeteer

    Logo Octoparse


    A Free, Simple, and Powerful Web Scraping Tool. Automate Data Extraction from websites within clicks without coding.

    Tag: crawl, scraping

    Free Offer:

    Unlimited pages per crawl Unlimited computers 10,000 records per export 2 concurrent local run 10 Crawlers

    Information about Puppeteer

    Logo Puppeteer


    Most things that you can do manually in the browser can be done using Puppeteer

    Tag: screenshots, ui-testing, crawl