
Free Developer Stuff

Free Stuff/Tool/Service for Developer

List of free service for developer to use. Some services are free forever or have a free tier at least for 1 year

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    OpenAI free alternatives

    List of free alternatives to OpenAI for developer. Find other service for AI other than OpenAI. You can also find out what is OpenAI rival or OpenAI competitor in here.

    👉🏽 OpenAI alternatives as a AI tool

    Are you looking for OpenAI alternative as a AI tool? Here is the list of OpenAI's competitor or rival as a AI service with their free offers. VS OpenAI


    Find jobs and talents in AI, ML, Data Science and Big Data.

    Tag: job-listing, AI, data-science

    Free Offer:

    Job offers

    Unwonted VS OpenAI

    Logo Unwonted


    Unwonted is an in-browser tool to create generative art. Create rare NFTs using unwonted for free. It's safe and your images never leaves your computer.

    Tag: NFT, AI

    DeepAI API VS OpenAI

    Logo DeepAI API

    DeepAI API

    Add cutting-edge functionality to your apps with machine learning

    Tag: AI, machinelearning-API VS OpenAI


    ContentBot is the perfect AI Writer for founders and marketers. Add an AI Content Assistant to your team today - Create high quality content with and GPT-3

    Tag: AI, SEO

    Free Offer:

    10 short form credits (~120 pieces of original content per month) Short-form tools only 1 seat

    Imagga VS OpenAI

    Logo Imagga


    Imagga Image Recognition API provides solutions for image tagging & categorization, visual search, content moderation. Available in the Cloud and On-Premise.

    Tag: AI, image

    Free Offer:

    1,000 API requests Basic Solutions: Tagging, Categorization, Cropping, Color

    TensorFlow VS OpenAI

    Logo TensorFlow


    An end-to-end open source machine learning platform for everyone. Discover TensorFlow's flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries and community resources.

    Tag: AI, machine-learning

    Lobe VS OpenAI

    Logo Lobe


    Lobe helps you train machine learning models with a free, easy to use app.

    Tag: AI, machine-learning

    Free Offer:

    currently free in beta

    Information about OpenAI

    Logo OpenAI


    OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.

    Tag: AI

    Free Offer:

    Start experimenting with $18 in free credit that can be used during your first 3 months.