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List of free service for developer to use. Some services are free forever or have a free tier at least for 1 year

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    ImgBB free alternatives

    List of free alternatives to ImgBB for developer. Find other service for image, storage other than ImgBB. You can also find out what is ImgBB rival or ImgBB competitor in here.

    👉🏽 ImgBB alternatives as a image tool

    Are you looking for ImgBB alternative as a image tool? Here is the list of ImgBB's competitor or rival as a image service with their free offers.

    CodePNG VS ImgBB

    Logo CodePNG


    Create awesome images from your code! Codepng turns you code into beautiful png images.

    Tag: code, code-screenshot, image

    DevPal VS ImgBB

    Logo DevPal


    DevPal is a set of many online developer tools that make developers' everyday work productve

    Tag: url-encoder, text-editor, dev, developer-tools, json, image, generator, encoder, decoder, formatter, productivity

    User Initial (UI) avatars VS ImgBB

    Logo User Initial (UI) avatars

    User Initial (UI) avatars

    Generate image avatars with user initials for free, just specify name. No limits or registration.

    Tag: asset, image, avatar, generator

    Pexels VS ImgBB

    Logo Pexels


    Free stock photos and videos you can use everywhere. ✓ High-quality ✓ 100% free ✓ No attribution needed

    Tag: image, api, video, asset

    Free Offer:

    Free to use for personal and commercial Attribution is not required You can modify photo and video from pexels

    SeekLogo VS ImgBB

    Logo SeekLogo

    SeekLogo is the world's best brand logo and vector logo template source. Logos can download in vector format. There are more than 400000 vector logos.

    Tag: logo, vector, image

    Free Offer:

    Free brand logos for study case

    Imagga VS ImgBB

    Logo Imagga


    Imagga Image Recognition API provides solutions for image tagging & categorization, visual search, content moderation. Available in the Cloud and On-Premise.

    Tag: AI, image

    Free Offer:

    1,000 API requests Basic Solutions: Tagging, Categorization, Cropping, Color VS ImgBB


    LoremFlickr is a service that provides free placeholder images for web and print. Like lorem Ipsum but image

    Tag: asset, image

    Picsum VS ImgBB

    Logo Picsum


    The Lorem Ipsum for photos. Image Gallery

    Tag: image, CDN

    Free Offer:

    Access wide varieties of images Unlimited pictures Image API

    Imgbot VS ImgBB

    Logo Imgbot


    Imgbot is a GitHub app that optimizes your images - Automatic image compression

    Tag: image

    Free Offer:

    Unlimited public repos Personal accounts and organizations VS ImgBB


    A global network of servers for real-time image optimization, resizing, image upload, and a fast Image CDN. A faster & lighter experience for your users.

    Tag: CDN, image, storage

    Free Offer:

    Unlimited requests and transformations 20GB Media Library storage Unlimited transformation storage Complete set of image-related features

    unsplash VS ImgBB

    Logo unsplash


    Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.

    Tag: asset, image, image-API

    Free Offer:

    free usable images with API

    👉🏽 ImgBB alternatives as a storage tool

    Are you looking for ImgBB alternative as a storage tool? Here is the list of ImgBB's competitor or rival as a storage service with their free offers.

    PocketBase VS ImgBB

    Logo PocketBase


    Open Source backend in 1 file with realtime database, authentication, file storage and admin dashboard

    Tag: database, hosting, hosting-dynamic, hosting-static, storage, authentication, real-time

    Free Offer:

    Open Source, self hosted

    AWS Amplify VS ImgBB

    Logo AWS Amplify

    AWS Amplify

    Accelerate your full-stack web and mobile app development with AWS Amplify. Easy to start, easy to scale. No cloud expertise needed. Powered by AWS.

    Tag: aws, baas, database, hosting, hosting-dynamic, hosting-static, storage, authentication

    Free Offer:

    1 Year free Tier

    Build & Deploy - 1000 build minutes per month

    HOSTING: 5 GB stored per month 15 GB served per month VS ImgBB


    Fullstack Javascript Apps: Front-end, Backend, Database, Scheduled tasks. All running with zero-config.

    Tag: api, database, serverless, hosting, storage, aws, hosting-dynamic, paas

    Free Offer:

    3 apps 100,000 API reqs/month 1GB memory/req 1GB Object Storage (AWS S3) 1GB Database Storage (AWS DynamoDB) Unlimited blazing fast builds 3 Cron tasks/app Global deployment

    Uploadcare VS ImgBB

    Logo Uploadcare


    Uploadcare provides companies with simple, powerful, developer-friendly building blocks to handle file uploading, processing, and delivery. A complete out-of-the-box solution, built for engineers by engineers.

    Tag: file-uploader, storage, image-api, CDN

    Free Offer:

    3000 uploads 30 GB traffic 3 GB storage

    Information about ImgBB

    Logo ImgBB


    Free image hosting and sharing service, upload pictures, photo host. Offers integration solutions for uploading images to forums.

    Tag: image, storage

    Free Offer:

    32 MB limit, no account required