
Free Developer Stuff

Free Stuff/Tool/Service for Developer

List of free service for developer to use. Some services are free forever or have a free tier at least for 1 year

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    Github free alternatives

    List of free alternatives to Github for developer. Find other service for git-hosting other than Github. You can also find out what is Github rival or Github competitor in here.

    πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Github alternatives as a git-hosting tool

    Are you looking for Github alternative as a git-hosting tool? Here is the list of Github's competitor or rival as a git-hosting service with their free offers.

    Gitlab VS Github

    Logo Gitlab


    Our open DevOps platform is a single application for unparalleled collaboration, visibility, and development velocity.

    Tag: git-hosting

    Free Offer:

    All stages of the DevOps lifecycle Bring your own GitLab CI runners Static websites with GitLab Pages 400 CI/CD minutes per month [1]

    Bitbucket VS Github

    Logo Bitbucket


    Collaborate on code with inline comments and pull requests. Manage and share your Git repositories to build and ship software

    Tag: git-hosting

    Free Offer:

    Unlimited private repo Up to 5 users 50 min / mo Git Large File Storage 1 GB CI/CD

    Information about Github

    Logo Github


    Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHubβ€”the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.

    Tag: git-hosting

    Free Offer:

    Unlimited public/private repositories 2,000 automation minutes/month (Free for public repositories) 500MB of Packages storage (Free for public repositories) Community support