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    ExtendsClass's CSV Generator free alternatives

    List of free alternatives to ExtendsClass's CSV Generator for developer. Find other service for mock-data, mock-api, json other than ExtendsClass's CSV Generator. You can also find out what is ExtendsClass's CSV Generator rival or ExtendsClass's CSV Generator competitor in here.

    👉🏽 ExtendsClass's CSV Generator alternatives as a mock-data tool

    Are you looking for ExtendsClass's CSV Generator alternative as a mock-data tool? Here is the list of ExtendsClass's CSV Generator's competitor or rival as a mock-data service with their free offers.

    mockAPI VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo mockAPI


    MockAPI is a simple tool that lets you easily mock up APIs, generate custom data, and preform operations on it using RESTful interface. MockAPI is meant to be used as a prototyping/testing/learning tool.

    Tag: mock-data, API, mock-api

    Free Offer:

    1 Project 4 Resources per project

    Mockaroo VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Mockaroo


    A free test data generator and API mocking tool - Mockaroo lets you create custom CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel datasets to test and demo your software.

    Tag: database, mock-data

    Free Offer:

    No daily limit on the number of files downloaded from the browser 200 API requests/day 1x speed Access to all of features Hosted on

    👉🏽 ExtendsClass's CSV Generator alternatives as a mock-api tool

    Are you looking for ExtendsClass's CSV Generator alternative as a mock-api tool? Here is the list of ExtendsClass's CSV Generator's competitor or rival as a mock-api service with their free offers.

    Mocky VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Mocky


    Don't wait for the backend to be ready, generate custom API responses with Mocky and start working on your application straightaway

    Tag: mock-api

    Free Offer:

    No ads, no subscriptions or service limits. Your mocks will be available if you call it at least one time per year, but without any guarantee

    Beeceptor VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Beeceptor


    Get an HTTP endpoint to build mock APIs. Beeceptor intercepts HTTP requests for you to mock in real-time. Create rules to simulate a slow API.

    Tag: mock-api

    Free Offer:

    50 requests/day (per day, per endpoint)

    Mocki VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Mocki


    Create, run and deploy mock APIs in minutes. Use your mock API to run tests independent of external services, design APIs and remove backend dependencies for your frontend team.

    Tag: mock-api

    Free Offer:

    No clear limit, but you can easily paste your response and link will be generated

    Mockoon VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Mockoon


    Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock REST API servers. No remote deployment, no account required, free, open source and cross-platform.

    Tag: mock-api

    Mocko VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Mocko


    Proxy your API, choose which endpoints to mock in the cloud and inspect traffic, for free. Speed up your development and integrations tests.

    Tag: mock-api, api

    Free Offer:

    Proxy your API, choose which endpoints to mock in the cloud and inspect traffic

    mockAPI VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo mockAPI


    MockAPI is a simple tool that lets you easily mock up APIs, generate custom data, and preform operations on it using RESTful interface. MockAPI is meant to be used as a prototyping/testing/learning tool.

    Tag: mock-data, API, mock-api

    Free Offer:

    1 Project 4 Resources per project

    Json Server VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Json Server

    Json Server

    Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously) with your own JSON file

    Tag: API, mock-api

    👉🏽 ExtendsClass's CSV Generator alternatives as a json tool

    Are you looking for ExtendsClass's CSV Generator alternative as a json tool? Here is the list of ExtendsClass's CSV Generator's competitor or rival as a json service with their free offers.

    DevPal VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo DevPal


    DevPal is a set of many online developer tools that make developers' everyday work productve

    Tag: url-encoder, text-editor, dev, developer-tools, json, image, generator, encoder, decoder, formatter, productivity

    Online JSON Formatter VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Online JSON Formatter

    Online JSON Formatter

    Online JSON Formatter and JSON Validator will format JSON data, and helps to validate, convert JSON to XML, JSON to CSV. Save and Share JSON

    Tag: json, formatter

    Flatbase VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Flatbase


    Query your CSV and JSON files with SQL. Flatbase is the data science platform for developers. Upload files, write SQL, visualize results, and share with collaborators.

    Tag: sql, json, api, playground

    Free Offer:

    Up to 3 workspaces Share with up to 3 teammates

    Format Express VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Format Express

    Format Express

    Instant online formatter for JSON / XML / SQL : what you paste is immediately beautified with syntax highlighting, node navigation, minimap, search tools, ...

    Tag: json, xml, sql, formatter

    Free Offer:

    Illimited use. No ads, no tracking.

    Repair JSON VS ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo Repair JSON

    Repair JSON

    Fixing the shitty JSON string from logs or etc

    Tag: json, formatter

    Information about ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Logo ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    ExtendsClass's CSV Generator

    Web-based random data generator. Generate CSV, JSON and SQL datasets. Free API.

    Tag: mock-data, mock-api, json

    Free Offer:

    No limit in the browser 200 API requests/day 5000 rows per call