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    Dotenv free alternatives

    List of free alternatives to Dotenv for developer. Find other service for app-configuration, secrets-manager other than Dotenv. You can also find out what is Dotenv rival or Dotenv competitor in here.

    👉🏽 Dotenv alternatives as a app-configuration tool

    Are you looking for Dotenv alternative as a app-configuration tool? Here is the list of Dotenv's competitor or rival as a app-configuration service with their free offers.

    Doppler VS Dotenv

    Logo Doppler


    Doppler is the easiest way to securely manage all your environment variables in one encrypted place. No more sharing secrets over Slack or copying .env files.

    Tag: app-configuration, secrets-manager

    Free Offer:

    Unlimited Users Unlimited Secrets Secrets Referencing

    👉🏽 Dotenv alternatives as a secrets-manager tool

    Are you looking for Dotenv alternative as a secrets-manager tool? Here is the list of Dotenv's competitor or rival as a secrets-manager service with their free offers.

    Doppler VS Dotenv

    Logo Doppler


    Doppler is the easiest way to securely manage all your environment variables in one encrypted place. No more sharing secrets over Slack or copying .env files.

    Tag: app-configuration, secrets-manager

    Free Offer:

    Unlimited Users Unlimited Secrets Secrets Referencing

    Information about Dotenv

    Logo Dotenv


    Sync your .env files, quickly & securely. Stop sharing them over insecure channels like Slack and email, and never lose an important .env file again. From the same people that pioneered dotenv - trusted by more than 2.5 million developers.

    Tag: app-configuration, secrets-manager

    Free Offer:

    Unlimited secrets Unlimited projects Slack notifications Partner integrations Multiple environments Custom environments User access controls Version history